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District Speech

District Speech

By Megan Venneman

On Monday, March 17, the Clarkson speech team took a trip to Osceola for district speech. Next Thursday, the team will be on the road to Kearney for the state meet on Friday.

The district meet consisted of two rounds of speaking followed by one round of finals. It was categorized by informative, persuasive, serious prose, humorous prose, extemporaneous speaking, poetry, oral interpretation of drama, and duet acting. There were two district meets occurring at one time - Class D and C.

The end results from finals led to 6th place medals for Hannah Baumert in serious prose and Kaitlyn Dlouhy in poetry. Erika Rupprecht earned a place at the state meet with 3rd place in humorous prose . The big winners for Clarkson was the O.I.D. “One Big Bang” featuring Christopher Koncek, Kaleb Papousek, and John Steffensmeier.  These gentlemen earned first place and a spot at state.

“I think we did pretty well, but it would have been nice to see more people go to state,” said Coach Vicky Miller.

Congratulations to everyone making it to finals, and good luck to everyone that made it to state.

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Senior Erika Rupprecht waits for her 3rd place medal.

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Christopher Konicek, Kaleb Papousek, and John Steffensmeier are all smiles after being named district champions in Oral Interpretation of Drama.