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Patriot Sports Banquet

The annual Patriot Sports Banquet will be held on Thursday, April 30th at 6:30pm at the Colfax County Fairgrounds in Leigh.  This event honors athletes of all disciplines with awards for the respective seasons, as well as team highlights. 
Tickets are $7 for everyone planning to attend:  this includes athletes, student managers, parents, and patrons.  The menu consists of:  pulled pork sandwich, potato salad, beans, chips and ice cream.  Tickets must be purchased by April 24th, and are available at the following sites:  Leigh High School, Clarkson Public School, Just-Another-Mini-Mart, Steve’s Market, M&M Market, and Citizen’s State Bank (Leigh or Creston).  Any person or business wanting to donate funding for Sports Banquet can send them in care of Tammy Wendt.
Setup for the Sports Banquet will be Wednesday April 29th at 6pm – all Leigh and Clarkson Booster Club members are welcome to help!

Go Patriots!