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Clarkson Public Schools



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NHS Blood Drive

Suck My Blood

Megan Venneman

On February 7, Clarkson Public Schools held a blood drive. Blood drives are sponsored by the American Red Cross. The National Honor Society of CPS sponsors two blood drives throughout the school year.

The students that took part in helping were Libby Janousek, Dwight Brabec, Kaleb Papousek, Abbey Hamernik, Hannah Baumert, Lucas Gurnsey, Jon Langdon, Jesse Gall, Erika Rupprecht, Jadine Wiese, Jenna Schmitz, Jenna Podany, Christopher Konicek, Trent Pekny, McKenzie Bahns, Bridget Dinslage, and John Steffensmeier

According to the American Red Cross website, when someone donates blood, it is given to a person who needs a blood transfusion. Thirty million blood components are transfused every year. 

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Seniors Jesse Gall and Jadine Wiese work at the registration table.

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McKenzie Bahns keeps an eye on fellow senior and donor, Kaleb Papousek.